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C Programming

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Write a C program to accept three digit number and display sum of digits. View/Download
Write a C program accept three digit number find out reverse number. View/Download
Write a C program given number is palindrome or not palindrome. View/Download
Write a C program given number is Armstrong or not Armstrong number. View/Download
Convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit degree
and Fahrenheit to Celsius. Using the formula is
C/5= (F-32)/9 using menu driven.
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Write a C program to accept three number displays in ascending order. View/Download
Write a C program to calculate and print the roots of quadratic
equation ax2+bx+c, (a≠0).
Write a C program to print first N-Fibonacci numbers. View/Download
Write a C program accept any positive number find out
factorial using for loop
Write a C program accepts any number find out the reverse
number using while loop.
Write a C program for prime number View/Download
Write a C program generate all Armstrong number 1 to 500 View/Download
Write a C program generate all palindrome number 200 to 500 View/Download
Write a C program find the sum of series ; Sum= X - X3 /! 3 + X5 /! 5 - X7 /! 7 + ………….. N terms View/Download
Write a C program of factorial of a given number View/Download
Write a C program implement call by value and call by reference View/Download
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Write a C program to insert 10 integer numbers in an Array. Print the element of array in ascending order using pointer method View/Download
Write a C Program to read in 10 integer number and print there average, there sum, Minimum and Maximum numbers. View/Download
Write a C program convert Decimal to Binary using array. View/Download
Write a C program to multiply two matrices C = A*B. Take the size and element of matrices through keyboard and element of matrices not less then zero or negative. View/Download
Write a C program reverse a string using pointer method. View/Download
Write a program in C to sort the given list of names View/Download